Jiangsu Xinyu Pharmacy Co., Ltd.

"Kemao" medicinal film coating premixed agent, medicinal starch and dextrin, ultra-low moisture starch, sterile starch and other starch series highly processed products.


Highly processed starch products, as yellow dextrin

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Description of products

on demand

Yellow dextrin:

Dextrin is usually categorized into 3 types: white dextrin, yellow dextrin and Britain dextrin, due to different pre-treatment and thermal treatment methods on starch. Dextrin is widely used in adhesive of drugs, food, paper-making, casting, wallpaper, tag, postage stamp and adhesive tape.
Our company has approximately 30 years of experience in manufacturing of medicinal and industrial grade dextrin.
Tel: +86-511-85682238 , 13852913839